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Parents & Family

Guidelines for Student Privacy

An integral link in your student's education, you are a valued member of our college community. And while we understand parental interest in wanting to access certain types of information, BW and other institutions of higher education that receive federal funding are guided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which grants confidentiality to students over the age of 18 in all areas of their academic, health and private lives.

Under FERPA, college students are considered responsible adults who can determine the release of information about themselves. Within its content, FERPA states that access to a student's record should be granted with their approval. Accordingly, BW does not routinely give out information concerning a student without written release by the student.

While this practice has the potential to be frustrating at times, it should be viewed in the context in which it was instituted. At BW, FERPA-related policies are not meant to reduce parent involvement, but to protect student confidentiality within the realm of encouraging parent-student dialog about issues relating to college life. For detailed information, please visit the BW FERPA web page. Below is some quick-answer information.

Common Questions About FERPA Include:

How Can I Obtain a Copy of My Student's Grades?
Students access their grades, financial aid and other important college-related materials online via their student accounts. Parents can obtain this information by talking with their students or asking them to forward the information. While BW staff members can answer general questions, they cannot divulge personal information without student permission and without proper identification of the person making the request.

Do Educational Records Include Medical and Counseling Reports?
Physical and mental health records are covered under other college policies, federal law and professional ethics. In general, professionals working in these areas will not release student information except in emergency situations. If needed, students can choose to release information from their records to a third party.

What About Alcohol and Drug Violations?
Parents and legal guardians may be notified when students under 21 years of age violate behavioral policies regarding the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance. If your student is engaged in a disciplinary procedure at BW and wants to release information about an incident to a parent/guardian or attorney, the student must complete a form through the Office of Student Conduct.

Who Can View Student Records?
Under FERPA, students can inspect, review and amend their educational records as is deemed necessary. In addition, they can control access to their educational records that are maintained by an educational institution.

What About Parents and Other Individuals?
Parents who can prove financial dependency of a student have a legal right to view content. Other individuals who may be able to see your student's information include: BW staff members who have good cause, staff members of other schools where your student is enrolled, providers of federal/state aid for which a student has applied, accreditation organizations, personnel dealing with an emergency involving the well being of a student, administrators of student aid programs collecting data for research purposes affecting student aid, and courts of law.